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Aneto, Paraíso del Pirineo Aragonés, Ascensiones y Rutas de Escalada del Macizo de la Maladeta, by Joan Miquel Dalmau: these new and exhaustive guide covers the all the zone of the Maladetas (full of 3000s) and the Aneto peak., There are...
€32.00 *
Climbing in northern Spain, 432 pages, Language: Spanish, Edition 2011
€30.00 *
climbing in the Pyrenees, 528 pages, Language: Spanish, Edition 2020, L. Alfonso
€30.00 *
climbing in the Tenavalley at the southside of the Pyrenees, 366 pages, language spanish, edition 2021, L. Alfonso
€29.00 *
Peaks, pillars and walls in the northeastern province of Huesca, south of Benasque, 208 pages, language spanish, edition 2011
€24.00 *
Peaks, columns and wall in north east of province Huesca, 288 pages, Language: Spanish, Edition 2010
€28.00 *
70 sportclimbing areas in the Pyrenees and Aragon, 480 pages, language german, spanish, english, edition 2012
€32.80 *
out of print
Climbing guide of the awesome valleys of Ansó, 340 pages, Language: Spanish, edition 2019, A. G. Picazo
€22.00 *