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594 routes in 4 areas near Banská Bystrica, 336 pages, language Slovak / English, edition 2024
€35.00 *
Climbing guide Demänovská Dolina - Skaly na Slovensku V, 320 pages, language Slovak / English, edition 2022, Vladimir Linek
€30.00 *
climbing in Drevenik, 216 pages, language slowakian / english, edition 2019
€26.00 *
Climbing south of the Low Tatra, 350 pages, language slovak / english, edition 2020
€28.00 *
out of print
climbing in the Malé Karpaty, north of Bratislava, 288 pages, language slovak / english, edition 2022
€30.00 *
climbing at the Slnečné Skaly close to Porúbka, in the north of slovakia, 61 pages, language slovak, edition 2019
€18.00 *
climbing in the zádielska dolina, 131 pages, language slovak, english, edition 2022
€17.00 *
1.300 routes in 16 areas in the eastern part of slovakia, 368 pages, language slovak / english, edition 2018
€30.00 *
Climbing Guidebook for the smallest high mountains of the world, Part 1 (Western Tatra), 210 pages, language slovak / appendix english (approach of the mountains, explanations of the symbols), edition 2018
€25.00 *
out of print
Climbing Guidebook for the smallest high mountains of the world, Part 2 (Eastern Tatra), 244 pages, language slovak / appendix english, edition 2018
€25.00 *
Rock Climbing areas of Slovakia, 268 pages, Language Slovak / English. appendix, Edition 2002
€24.00 *
out of print
climbing in Záhorie, close to Bratislava, 224 pages, language slovak, english, edition 2024
€32.00 *