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climbing guidebook Lausitzer Gebirge - western part climbing guidebook Lausitzer Gebirge - western...
Climbing in the western part of the Lusatian Mountains / Lužické hory - between Chotovický vrch (Kottowitzer Berg), Ortel (Ortelssberg) and Slavíček (Slabitschken), 100 pages, language German, edition 2022, , M Bellmann, J. Trültzsch,...
€24.90 *

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climbing guidebook Rotgelbes Felsenland - Klettern in Mitteldeutschland climbing guidebook Rotgelbes Felsenland -...
Climbing in Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony West, 400 pages, language german, edition 2021,  ,  , G. Krug, T. Kluge, Geoquest Verlag
€33.00 *