Escaladas al norte de Huesca
Huesca, located in the north of the province of Aragon, offers north of its city gates a lot of climbable walls and peaks, which are perhaps less known than the more prominent climbing areas such as Riglos or Rodellar, but with equally attractive tasks.
The publisher Prames is now able to produce good climbing guides, which is noticeable in the guide for these areas. Whereas in earlier works there were often line drawings on inconspicuous outlines of rocks and walls, now you get photo topos of expected quality.
The 15 climbing areas described are presented comprehensively. It is certainly also attractive that a wide range of climbing is covered, because there are many sporty single-rope and multi-pitch, many a route in which a mobile belay device can also be accommodated, as well as a lot of bouldering.
Varied and rewarding!
160 pages
Language Spanish
Edition 2019
Ó. Buil, J. Oliván