The publishing project focused on Canton Ticino walls comes to a fulfilment with this guidebook reviewing the modern multipitches – including modern, sport and trad climbing.
The area, in addition to many interesting crags, features wonderful routes on an excellent granite – one of the best in the Alps.
The mild climate and the great variety of Ticino walls are favoured by many climbers coming from all over Europe, especially the nearby regions north of the Alps.
This accurate and detailed guidebook has been compiled by the same authors who signed the volume describing the crags of Varese and Canton Ticino. They are both locals, and very active in promoting climbing in this area, where they sent many routes.
Thanks to a networking effort with other local climbers they gathered a comprehensive set of up-to-date and detailed topos, including unpublished novelties, thus providing an extra-high accuracy.
The work is enriched by several articles and features, written by the authors themselves, relating their personal experiences on the walls of Ticino and interviews with the main characters of the local climbing community.
240 pages
language german
edition 2016
M. D. Bordella, D. Mazzucchelli
Versante Sud