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70 Alpine routes graded according to difficulty - Climbing routes in the Odle-Puez group, Sella massif, Sassolungo group and surrounding areas - Clear, detailed route descriptions and topos - Overview map with locations of individual...
€24.90 *
out of print
The most attractive routes for beginners and advanced, 192 pages, language german, edition 2013
€24.90 *
out of print
Val Gardena Volume 1, 240 pages, language german, edition 2019
€24.00 *
The most beautiful routes in the Dolomites, 256 pages, language german, edition 2011
€9.90 *
out of print
110 alpine, rediscovered and secured routes, 271 pages, language german, edition 2015, M. Bernardi, Athesia
€24.90 *