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82 alpine multipitches of the southwest Dolomites, Pale / Lagorai / Brenta / Piccole Dolomiti / Arco e Prealpi, 160 pages, language italian, edition 2014, M. Bertolotti, L. Galbiati
€24.00 *
Val d'Ambiez, 400 pages, language english, edition 2013
€30.00 *
Val d'Ambiez, 400 pages, language italian, edition 2013
€30.00 *
53 alpinen Routen in den Dolomiten vom V bis VII ,432 pages, language german, edition 2023, H. Grill, F. Kluckner, Versante Sud
€38.00 *
275 classic and modern routes in Vallesinella, Campa e Catena Settentrionale, 496 pages, language italian, edition 2016, Idea Montagna
€35.00 *
290 multi pitches in the central massif of the Brenta group, 512 pages, language italian, edition 2019- Warning: Increased shipping costs due to book weighing more than 1kg -
€38.00 *
146 classic and modern multipitches in the Brenta Group, edition 2023
€32.00 *
out of print
Climbing in the Brenta Dolomites, 320 pages, language italian, edition 2014
€32.00 *
280 long routes in Dauphiné; Ubaye / Aiglun; Mont Blanc / Orny / Dalmazzi; Schweiz; Nordalpen; Dolomiten; Brenta-Dolomiten; Gardaseeberge / Etschtal / Val Daone, 608 pages, language german, edition 2015, other routes then Band I and Band...
€58.95 *