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 Climbing Guidebook Türme - 50 exponierte Klettertouren Climbing Guidebook Türme - 50 exponierte...
50 exposed climbing routes on free-standing towers, language German, edition 2022, Stefan Stadler
€44.50 *
"max30min - Alpine Kletterei schnell erreicht" "max30min - Alpine Kletterei schnell erreicht"
65 multipitches in the areas of the dolomites, tirol, sarcavalley, bergell and chamonix, with a maximum of 30 min for the approach, 192 pages, language german, edition 2017, M. Baudrexl, Bergwerk Verlag
€29.90 *
Abenteuer Alpinklettern Tirol Abenteuer Alpinklettern Tirol
150 climbing routes in the Northern Limestone Alps, the main Alpine ridge and in the Dolomites, 246 pages, language german, edition 2009
€29.95 *

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alpine climbing guidebook Arrampicate inedite e d´ambiente alpine climbing guidebook Arrampicate inedite e...
34 long paths through the Dolomites, VIVIDolomiti, 2021
€27.00 *
Arrampicare Dolomiti Nord-Occidentali Arrampicare Dolomiti Nord-Occidentali
75 alpine multipitches of the nortwest Dolomites, Odle Puez Cir / Sella / Sassolungo / Catinaccio / Marmolada / Pale S. Martino / Cunturines, 144 pages, language italian, edition 2015, M. Bertolotti, L. Galbiati, F. Vascellari
€20.00 *
Arrampicare Dolomiti Nord-Orientali vol 1 Arrampicare Dolomiti Nord-Orientali vol 1
67 alpine multipitches in the Dolomites Nord-Orientali, 140 pages, language italian, edition 2017
€20.00 *
Arrampicare Dolomiti Sud-Occidentali Arrampicare Dolomiti Sud-Occidentali
82 alpine multipitches of the southwest Dolomites, Pale / Lagorai / Brenta / Piccole Dolomiti / Arco e Prealpi, 160 pages, language italian, edition 2014, M. Bertolotti, L. Galbiati
€24.00 *
Arrampicare Dolomiti Sud-Orientali Vol I Arrampicare Dolomiti Sud-Orientali Vol I
115 multipitches in the Dolomites , CIVETTA - MOIAZZA | PELMO | SCHIARA | VETTE FELTRINE | BOSCONERO | TAMER | PRAMPER | MARMAROLE EST | AGNER - PALE EST | OLTRE PIAVE con MONFALCONI E SPALTI DI TORO, 256 pages, language italian, edition...
€30.00 *

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Arrampicare Dolomiti Sud-Orientali Vol I Arrampicare Dolomiti Sud-Orientali Vol I
115 multipitches in the Dolomites , CIVETTA - MOIAZZA | PELMO | SCHIARA | VETTE FELTRINE | BOSCONERO | TAMER | PRAMPER | MARMAROLE EST | AGNER - PALE EST | OLTRE PIAVE con MONFALCONI E SPALTI DI TORO, 256 pages, language italian, edition...
€25.00 * €30.00 *

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Arrampicare in Adamello Arrampicare in Adamello
55 alpine multipitches in the Adamellogroupe, 144 pages, language italian, edition 2017
€24.00 *

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Arrampicare in Val d’Adige Arrampicare in Val d’Adige
56 modern multipitches in the Val d´Adige, 128 pages, language italian, edition 2018
€27.00 *

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climbing guidebook 4. Grad Westliche Dolomiten Band 1 climbing guidebook 4. Grad Westliche Dolomiten...
Easy Routes in the Western Dolomites, 240 pages, language german, edition 2011
€24.50 *
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